
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Printable Journal Notes

Some colleagues and students have requested typed notes. I have been slowly working on typing old notes. This is not my go-to strategy. I'm very hands-on and pen to paper.

My journal notes strategy or folding method is simple once you figure out my pattern.

They will not print perfectly or fold exactly!

Most all notes are folded in half (half page folds are what I call them). And I'm very proportionate as far as dividing things in half, fourths, sixths, eighths, etc.

Printing: The first two pages of notes (not including attached notes/foldables by glue) are to be printed two sided. I change the print setting on my computer to two sided flip on short edge. A colleague of mine, prints them one sided and then figures out the two sided at the copier. Each additional page to be attached is printed one sided. Some people claim it as a waste; however, I have a ton of scratch paper with one blank side that I run through the copier for these notes.

Attached notes/foldables that are glued to the half page notes are usually a two sided print.

So far, I have only figured out how to upload PDF documents to google drive. Word documents when uploaded mess up the tables, images, etc. If you would like a copy of one of the documents for Microsoft Office Word, email me at . To access the uploaded PDF documents, I believe you have to have a google account. If anyone knows how to put these documents directly into my blog, LET ME KNOW!

To get a copy of any notes click PDF Documents at the top of the blog and you'll be sent to google drive where hopefully the notes are available.

These notes reference and use information pulled directly from Glencoe Course 3, Holt PreAlgebra, and Holt Algebra 1 textbooks. (I'm also located in Texas, I don't know how different our "TEKS" and 'stuff' is from other states and countries.)