Another teacher refers to my organized chaos as "controlled clutter".
Students that I don't have will walk by and say they couldn't handle the chaos. The kids I teach say they can't learn without it!
Here's my door. It's a little beat up, but I love it. My students decorated it last year and I added the Mathematician thing.
A ttack problems
T ranslate knowledge
H ypothesize phenomenons
E levate cognizance
M ake observations
A nalyze data
T heorize suppositions
I mplement strategies
C reate graphicorganizers
I llustrate ideas
A ssess comprehension
N avigate mathematics
S ummarize findings
This is as you walk through my door. My teacher zone is across the way and designated by red duct tape on the floor. I just have to have a little personal space.
After working through college in retail, I prefer to stand at a desk at counter level. It blows the students mind that I don't have an official teacher's desk.
This is as you scan the room to the left. I have six giant whiteboards hanging around my room. Anytime a student asks me a question, I have someplace to demonstrate. There's lots of space for students to demonstrate their knowledge and then compare what they see. When I'm gone, my instructions are written there for the students to see. Sometimes I teach lessons on both the whiteboards and Promethean just to mobilize my power zone and draw more focus.
Standing directly in front of the Promethean board.
This is my second classroom, and so far it is my favorite.