
Monday, July 1, 2013

Supplies... Key to Journaling!


For some reason, I cannot type in the reply comment box through my iPad and my iPad is all I have to work with.

A fellow expert in her field added a comment:

Jessica MonahanJune 26, 2013 at 5:42 PM

"I decided to try journals with my kids this year. It lasted about two weeks before all of the scissors, glue, markers, etc that I had bought for the "supply" baskets disappeared. I had spent hundreds of dollars and wasn't replacing it so the journals went away. I explained to the kids that these weren't for the taking but they disregarded me. Any ideas for solving this problem? I am an old teacher. I'm very comfortable being the sage on the stage so out of the box thinking is very new for me and everything I try, blows up. I work with VERY inner city kids who do not bring their own supplies...ever."

I wish that I had all the answers. All I can do is share some thoughts and reflections.

I purchased supply 'caddies' from Dollar Tree for $1 EACH. I have seen them elsewhere such as K-mart, Wal-mart, Target, etc. These helped me to organize and quickly count supplies before dismissing class.

Each caddy consists of three

  • bottles of glue (always liquid, it's cheaper and holds better)
  • small safety scissors (They may be highschool students, but I found that the smaller the scissors, the less time the scissors spend in their hands.)
  • highlighters
  • ultraflex rulers
  • safety compass
  • mini protractors

The following images are ones that I pulled from a google image search and do not reflect what my baskets consist of. My baskets remain on my classroom tables where the students sit.

Thought the above image was a neat idea for storing the baskets. The teacher used 3m plastic hooks.


My second year students purchased one supply of their choice to contribute. This sort of brought out some ownership from them and they didn't disappear.

STAPLES: My first year, Staples had amazing sales and as a teacher they would let you get 15 to 30 of penny/quarter items instead of a limit of one. (Must have evidence that you are a teacher.)

The caddies made a difference in organization and counting of supplies.

I am extremely particular when it comes to objects in my class. My saying: "Don't jack with my stuff!" I watch students like hawk. Supplies stay in the basket until needed. If I see one out or used without need, I tell the student to put it back and continue teaching without pause.

Modifying behavior: I start day one with what is supposed to be in the basket and before they leave each day we make sure everything is put up and accounted for.

For middle school and freshmen, a colleague of mine assigned supply managers every other week. The supply manager was in charge of getting the basket and accounting for the supplies for each table when class was dismissed.

Journaling is a daily event of my class. The only day the journals are not used is on testing days. The journals are turned in for a major grade.


If anyone has strategies, advice, and/or success stories, please share!